Monday, July 28, 2008

Wonderful Wahoo's!

Flame Grilled Wahoo Bowl with Black Beans and Rice

I was doing some last minute shopping today for the dinner I am throwing tomorrow to celebrate my brother’s upcoming wedding… (yes, a gluten free celebration!) when my infant son began to yell, "BA, BA, BA!" In his language, this means: "Mommy, you’d better feed me within the next three minutes or I am going to get REALLY cranky and then you’ll be sorry!"

As I’ve discussed before on this blog, locating inexpensive and tasty food that is also gluten free can be a real challenge when you are away from your house or favorite grocery store, especially when you need to find it fast.

This is why I was so relieved to realize that we were only a few blocks away from Wahoo's Fish Taco. We don’t live very close to their local restaurants, so it hadn’t occurred to me to try and find gluten free food there since I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance last December. Still... fish and rice sounded like excellent protein for my son, despite his abiding love of hamburgers. There wasn’t enough time to second-guess myself so we gave it a whirl.

I’m so glad we did! My son and I each enjoyed a Wahoo’s Bowl with Flame Grilled Fish, with a side of their ahi rice and black beans. The man taking our order assured me that no gluten ingredients were used in this particular preparation of fish, and that he felt positive that our meal was gluten free. He even checked with the kitchen!

Wahoo's Green Salad... delicious!

Imagine my joy then, to return home and discover on a reputable gluten free website (Gluten Free In SD) that Wahoo’s has already been vetted by Celiac friendly organizations in Southern California and it truly is known for its gluten free fare! To see a list of all menu items confirmed to be gluten free by Wahoo’s in 2007, please click here.

It’s too bad that my family doesn’t live closer to a Wahoo’s Fish Taco restaurant… and depending on which state you live in, there are probably a lot of other readers to this blog who don’t have access to their food either. However, I do have three ideas about this:

  • Encourage your favorite local restaurant to add a gluten free fish taco to their repertoire, using all corn tortillas, black beans, gluten free guacamole and delicious white fish,

  • Check back with this blog over the next few weeks, I am going to try to develop a gluten free fish taco recipe to share with you, or best of all...

  • Contact Wahoo’s to encourage them to open a new franchise near you! (It can’t hurt to ask!) If you’ve been considering opening a gluten free restaurant, this could be your golden opportunity...

Meanwhile, despite the ever-increasing cost of gasoline I will be conspiring to bring my family back soon to enjoy another delicious meal at Wahoo’s!

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